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Jemimah Pico

Fullstack Developer based in Barcelona

About Me

Hi! I'm Jemimah Pico, a recent Bootcamp graduate (and a former communications & project manager) who is passionate about bringing awesome full-stack applications to life! A year ago I decided to build my path to become a web developer, so I joined a Backend Bootcamp with NodeJS and a CFGS in Web Application Development. Since then, I've been building web apps and Rest APIs with React, Express, MySQL, MongoDB, Socket.IO, Git & others. When not coding, I'm training for my first 10k! 🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️

Latest Projects

Computerwoman Challenge

Facebook Clone App

UI for a Facebook clone app built with React, React Hooks, Context API, Material icons. The app is set to consume a Rest API built from scratch with Express, MongoDB, JWT.

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Computerwoman Challenge

Computerwoman Challenge

As part of the International Fem Hackaton Back End Challenge, I've built a CLI app to send the information about ballistic trajectories and compute them as fast as possible. Built it in less than 24h, with NodeJS and Inquirirer Package.

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REST API for a Dice Game

REST API for a Dice Game

A REST API that supports a Dice Game with Express, JWT and MongoDB. The basic premise of the game is this: each user roll 2 dices, and if the result is 7, the user scores a point. The user that scores more points, wins! Easy peasy!

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That's Delicious Restaurant

That's Delicious Restaurant

A 'yelp-like' restaurant application where users can search, review and curate their favorite restaurants from anywhere. It touches many of today's application needs such as user authentication, data validation, database storage, error handling, file upload, email sending and much more.

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project name

CodePen Personal Collection

A collection of CodePens, including fully-responsive websites with CSS Grid & Flexbox, a replica of an iPhone calculator, a Rock Paper Scissors game, an analog realtime clock... and moooore!

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